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GUI Improve: new setting in Advanced Options: bittorrent.peer_hole_punch.

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V1.79 2021.8.25 GUI Improve: add NAT type detect dialog in Tools menu GUI Improved: support Windows 11 GUI Bugfix: cached info not cleared when detect port status again in the green light state GUI Bugfix: can not input IPv6 address in Add Peer dialog due to the length limit GUI Bugfix: should not display the number of Long-Term Seeds for private task in task list Core Improve: support NAT type detection for UDP packets Core Bugfix: should not connect to the peer's IPv4/IPv6 address reported by itself if PEX disabled for the task Core Bugfix: handle the case of folder name contains tailing space in torrent file Core Bugfix: handle the case of file name contains emoji characters in torrent file Core Bugfix: improve stability of uTP transfer Core Improve: support uTP protocol in macOS edition Core Bugfix: message handle bug when displaying modal dialog in macOS edition Core Bugfix: UPnP crash when Remote Download enabled in macOS edition Core Bugfix: IPv6 TCP port not listening in macOS edition Core Bugfix: failed to send UDP packet after change listening port in macOS edition v1.78 2021.7.27 GUI Improve: new setting in Options Dialog: enable uTP for peer connection.

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